
Backup3G/EWC/User Guide

This page was last modified 05:46, 21 February 2008.

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This document relates to EWC version 5.1. For other versions, please see EWC_3.1.1/User_Guide.


Getting Started

The Enterprise Windows Client (EWC) allows the integration of Windows hosts into the backup3G policy based backup environment. The management and delegation of the backup policy is centralised on a UNIX host. The backup environment can contain any number of UNIX and Windows hosts. These hosts and their resources (tape drives, filesystems, etc.) are then accessible by any other host in the environment.

This facilitates backup and recovery of Windows data to:

The backup tapes are also interchangeable between both operating systems. So a backup of Windows data to a local tape drive can be recovered to another Windows host via a UNIX tape drive. Other features including controlling services and registry backup and recovery are also provided.

EWC supports Windows Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003 and Windows Vista.

The EBC Module required by backup3G 3.2 or newer, is no longer needed for backup3G 5.1 or newer.

About this guide

This manual is the primary reference for setting up and using EWC, and is designed to help users and administrators use EWC and backup3G effectively. It describes:

Who should use this guide

This guide is aimed at:

For More Information

The COSmanager User Guide explains how to install COSmanager products, such as backup3G, and add-on modules, such as EWC. The backup3G User Guide describes how to configure backup3G, how to set up and maintain backups, how to manage backup media and drives, and how to back up and recover filesystems and directories.

Scheduling and monitoring of Windows backups is exactly the same as for any other backup job. These are described in detail in the Backup3G User Guide. COSmanager promotes a ‘policies and procedures’ approach to system management, including backup and media management. The guides, How to Implement Policy Based Management and a Sample Policy and Procedures Manual, are available without charge from your COSmanager distributor.

Installing and Configuring EWC

Defining Windows Backups


Recovery for Windows