
Data Logging KB

This page was last modified 13:55, 18 July 2006.

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The primary aim of the Data Logging knowledge base in Sentinel3G is to provide a data logging service for sentries that is consistent across various UNIX, Linux and Windows platforms. It does this by providing options on the sentinel3G console to produce reports and graphs based on the logged (historical) data, as well as options to configure what and when to log.

sentinel3G can oly report on variables that have previously been logged. Therefore you cannot generate reports over time periods before the Data Logging knowledge base was installed, nor on sentries that have not been configured to perform logging.

Data Logging Knowledge Base Version

Version Availability Date Min Sentinel
1.2 20th Jul, 2005 4.4

Data Logging Knowledge Base Settings

The following settings are global and affect all sentries unless overridden at in the sentry configuration. Ensure you restart the Host Monitor after changing any of these settings.

Setting Description
DataLogAge The number of days to keep the logged data. All data older than this are automatically deleted. The default value is 460 days (or 5 quarters).
DataLogDir The directory that the logged data is stored. By default this is the Log directory under sentinel3G's db directory. Depending on how much logging you do and how long you retain the data, this directory can get large. As a guide, the OS knowledge base with default data logging produces approximately 1 Mbyte of data per day.
DefLogSeverity When a sentry is configured for default logging, this is the severity at or above that logging frequency is increased from DefLogTime to the poll time of the associated agent. The default value is alarm severity.
DefLogTime When a sentry is configured for default logging, this is how often in minutes logging will occur when the severity is below DefLogSeverity. The default value is 15 minutes.