
Backup3G/EWC/Error Listing EWC

This page was last modified 06:15, 20 February 2008.

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Error FSbusplit: Couldn't change to directory <directory>
Reason FSbusplit was unable to change to <directory>.
Solution Check that the directory exists and is accessible.

Error FSbusplit: Couldn't change to directory <directory>
Reason FSbusplit was unable to change to <directory>.
Solution Check that the directory exists and is accessible.

Error FSbusplit: Couldn't read file <file>
Reason FSbusplit was unable to access the specified file.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible.

Error Partition size not specified. Aborting.
Reason FSbusplit requires specifying a partition size.
Solution Check that the partition size is specified with the -P flag.

Error WARNING: -s or -S flags only allowed in selected file backup
WARNING: Flags ignored
Reason File selection flags -s or -S can only be specified when performing a selected file backup.
Solution Only specify these flags if you are performing a selected backup.

Error WARNING: Couldn't access <directory>/.FSbackup
WARNING: Defaulting to FULL backup
Reason Performing an incremental backup relies on having access to a file called .FSbackup in the root of the directory to be backed up. You will get this message if this file does not exist or is not readable.
Solution Check that the file exists and is readable.

Error WARNING: Couldn't write to directory <directory>
WARNING: Defaulting to FULL backup
Reason Performing an incremental backup relies on having write access to the directory being backed up. You will get this message if the SYSTEM account cannot write to the specified directory.
Solution Allow the SYSTEM account to have write access to the specified directory.



Error FSntcpio: Couldn't change to directory <directory>
Reason FSntcpio was unable to change to the specified directory.
Solution Check that the directory exists and is accessible.

Error FSntcpio: Couldn't read file <file>
Reason FSntcpio was unable to access the specified file.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible.

Error WARNING: -s or -S flags only allowed in selected file backup, flags ignored
Reason File selection flags -s or -S can only be specified when performing a selected file backup.
Solution Only specify these flags if you are performing a selected backup.

Error WARNING: Couldn't access <directory>/.FSbackup
WARNING: Defaulting to FULL backup
Reason Performing an incremental backup relies on having access to a file called .FSbackup in the root of the directory to be backed up. You will get this message if this file does not exist or is not readable.
Solution Check that the file exists and is readable.

Error WARNING: Read-only backup - defaulting to FULL backup
Reason Performing an incremental backup relies on having write access to the directory being backed up. You will get this message if the SYSTEM account cannot write to the specified directory.
Solution Allow the SYSTEM account to have write access to the specified directory.



Error Couldn't find ebc.dat
Reason Sregback uses ntcpio to recover the ebc.dat file. This file contains details of the registry keys backed up. This error will occur if ntcpio reports that it was successful, but the ebc.dat file was not recovered.
Solution Check that the tape contains a valid registry backup and is not corrupt.

Error Error: <directory> directory already exists
Reason In order to perform a registry backup or restore a temporary directory must be created. FSregback will fail if this directory already exists.
Solution It is likely that the directory is left over from a previous registry backup or recovery. If this is the case, remove the directory.

Error Failed to backup profiles
Reason Once the profile list has been determined, FSregback attempts to backup the profile directories using ntcpio. This error occurs if ntcpio fails to backup these directories.
Solution Check for other error messages from the ntcpio command.

Error Failed to backup registry
Reason Once the registry has been dumped to file, FSregback attempts to back these files up using ntcpio. This error occurs if ntcpio fails to backup these files.
Solution Check for other error messages from the ntcpio command.

Error Failed to output profiles
Reason FSregback calls regback to output the list of profiles to be backed up. This error occurs if regback returns a non zero exit status.
Solution Check for other error messages from the regback command.

Error Failed to output registry
Reason FSregback calls regback to output the registry. This error occurs if regback returns a non zero exit status.
Solution Check for other error messages from the regback command.

Error Failed to recover profile(s)
Reason For a profile recovery, the data is recovered using ntcpio. If ntcpio fails for any reason, this error will occur.
Solution It is possible that the data is corrupt. Check for ntcpio error messages.

Error Failed to recover registry
Reason For a registry restore, the data must first be extracted from tape and saved to file. This is done by the ntcpio command. Also regback is used to restore the keys from file. If ntcpio or regback fail for any reason, this error will occur.
Solution It is possible that the data is corrupt. Check for ntcpio and regback error messages.

Error Failed to recover registry header
Reason For an index to be generated, FSregback uses ntcpio to recover the ebc.dat file. This file contains details of the registry keys backed up. This error will occur if ntcpio failed to recover this file.
Solution It is possible that the data is corrupt. Check for ntcpio and regback error messages.

Error Unable to change to <directory>
Reason To perform a registry backup or restore FSregback must change to <directory>. Failure to change to this directory will result in this error.
Solution Check that the directory exists and is accessible



Error APPL_NAME not set
Reason In order for the FSremote command to be run in the correct environment, the variable APPL_NAME must be set. APPL_NAME can be set to either backup or task.
Solution Set the variable APPL_NAME to either backup or task.

Error Could not determine EWC home directory
Reason In order for the FSremote command to be run, the variable APPL_HOME must be set. APPL_HOME points to the root directory of the Enterprise Windows Client.
Solution Set the variable APPL_HOME to point to the location of the Enterprise Windows Client.

e.g. C:/Program Files/Functional Software/EWC_3.1

Error Could not determine hostname
Reason Was unable to determine the hostname. The hostname is required to check if the command is to be run locally or remotely.
Solution Check that the hostname is set correctly.

Error Could not find comm_meth file
Reason The syntax for the remote command is retrieved from a file called comm_meth in the db directory of the Enterprise Windows Client. This file could not be found.
Solution Check that the Enterprise Windows Client was installed correctly and that this file exists and is accessible.

Error Could not find communications method
Reason The file comm_meth in the db directory of the Enterprise Windows Client does not contain the communications method.
Solution Check the contents of the comm_meth file for the existence of a communications command.

Error Couldn't connect to host "<host>"
Reason FSremote was unable to connect to the specified host.
Solution Check that the specified host is valid. Also check that local host has been configured to known about the specified host.

Error Couldn't connect to COSserver on "<host>"
Reason FSremote was unable to connect to the remote socket up to five times before giving up. The remote server is probably too overloaded.
Solution Check that the specified host is running normally.

Error Couldn't establish remote exist status from host "<host>"
Reason FSremote was unable to determine the exit status of the command that was run on the remote host.
Solution Check that the remote host has a Remote Shell Daemon running. Also check that the remote host has permission to run commands from the local host.

Error Couldn't execute <command>
Reason The command specified was not able to be executed.
Solution Check that the command exists and the syntax is correct.

Error Failed to allocate memory
Reason There is insufficient memory available for FSremote to run.
Solution Free up some memory by shutting down other applications.

Error Failed to close pipe
Reason Unable to close the pipe that was used to read data from the child process. System error.
Solution No solution.

Error Failed to create pipe
Reason Unable to create a pipe to be used to read data from the child process. System error.
Solution No solution.

Error Failed to initialise winsock
Reason In order to determine the hostname, the windows socket API needs initializing. This error will occur if the initialization fails.
Solution Check that winsock is correctly installed. EWC requires version 1.1 or later.

Error LOGNAME is not set
Reason In order for the FSremote command to be run in the correct environment, the variable LOGNAME or USERNAME must be set.
Solution Set the variable LOGNAME.

Error Protocol error
Reason Permission was denied or an invalid request was recieved.
Solution Check that the remote host is configured to accept connections.



Error Couldn't create <file>
Reason busplit was unable to create the specified file.
Solution Check that sufficient system resources and access rights exist for the file to be created.

Error Couldn't create temp file
Reason Unable to create a temporary file.
Solution Check that the required resources are available and accessible to create this file.

Error Couldn't open <file>
Reason busplit was unable to open the specified file.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible.

Error Couldn't stat <file>
Reason Unable to determine the files attributes.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible.

Error Illegal size - <size>
Reason The specified partition size is invalid.
Solution Specify a valid partition size. eg. busplit 20000 <file_prefix> or busplit 20000:200000 <file_prefix>.

Error Too many partitions needed
Reason The number of partitions required is greater than the maximum partitions specified.
Solution Increase the maximum number of allowed partitions or increase the partition size.

Error WARNING: "<file>" larger than the maximum size (<size>KB). Not backed up.
Reason Only files that are less than the specified maximum size can be backed up.
Solution Increase the maximum size or back the file up separately.

Error WARNING: "<file>" larger than the partition size. Not backed up.
Reason Only files that are less than the specified partition size can be backed up.
Solution Increase the partition size or back the file up separately.



Error Command not specified
Reason The command for cos to execute was not supplied.
Solution Supply command for cos to execute using -R flag.

Error Could not allocate memory
Reason cos was unable to allocate enough memory for it to execute. The system is short on memory.
Solution Free up some memory by shutting down other applications.

Error Could not determine application home directory
Reason The Enterprise Windows Client application home needs to be retrieved from the registry. The attempt to retrieve this value failed.
Solution Check that registry entry for HomeDir exists and is valid.

Error Could not execute specified command
Reason The command specified could not be executed.
Solution Check that the command exists and the syntax is correct.

Error Could not set TEMP variable
Reason cos needs to set the variable TEMP to point to a location where temporary files can be created. It sets this variable to the

$SYSTEMDRIVE/tmp directory.

Solution Check that the SYSTEM account has the SYSTEMDRIVE variable set correctly.



Error Couldn't access drive <drive>: <error number>
Reason The drive specified could not be accessed. Either the drive name is invalid or there is a problem with the tape drive. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. Check that the tape name is correct and that the tape drive is working.

Error Couldn't allocate memory for I/O buffer
Reason Devio was unable to allocate enough memory for it to execute.

The system is short on memory.

Solution Free up some memory by shutting down other applications.

Error Create pipe failed
Reason Devio was unable to create a pipe to be used to read data from the child process. System error.
Solution No solution.

Error Device not specified (-d)
Reason The tape device was not specified for devio to operate on.
Solution Specify the tape device using the -d flag.

eg. devio -d tape0 Alternatively you can set either the TAPE or DEVICE environment variables.

Error Drive does not support filemarks
Reason In order to distinguish between data files on tape, filemarks are needed. The tape device being used does not support long, short or normal filemarks.
Solution This tape device is not supported.

Error Error reading from Standard Input: <error number>
Reason Devio has encountered an error whilst trying to read data from standard input. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Error writing to Standard Output: <error number>
Reason Devio has encountered an error whilst trying to write data to the standard output stream. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Execute command failed
Reason The command passed to devio was unable to be executed.
Solution Check that the command exists and the syntax is correct.

Error Expected to read <amount> KB
Reason Devio was told to read <amount> KB, but read less than the amount specified.
Solution Check that the tape is valid and that <amount> KB of data is available to be read from the tape.

Error Failed to close write handle
Reason Devio was unable to close the write handle for the pipe.

System error.

Solution No solution.

Error Failed to duplicate write handle
Reason Devio was unable to duplicate the write handle for the pipe.

System error.

Solution No solution.

Error Failed to initialise tape: <error number>
Reason A system error has occurred whilst trying to initialise the tape. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. It is possible that the tape or tape device is faulty.

Error Failed to initialise tape drive: <error number>
Reason A system error has occurred whilst trying to initialise the tape drive. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Failed to seek position: <error number>
Reason Devio was unable to seek to the position specified on the tape. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. Check that the tape and the seek position are valid.

Error Failed to skip filemark: <error number>
Reason If devio is writing to a pipe and the pipe is ended before the data has finished being read from the tape, it will skip to the next filemark on the tape. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. It is possible that the tape is faulty. Try another tape.

Error Hit end of medium on <drive>
Reason Devio has encountered the end of the tape.
Solution A tape with a larger capacity is required. Alternatively the data could be split over multiple tapes.

Error I/O error reading from <drive>: <error number>
Reason An error was encountered whilst trying to read from the <drive> tape drive. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution It is possible that the tape is faulty. Check that the tape contains data.

Error I/O error writing tapemark to <drive>: <error number>
Reason Devio was unable to write a tapemark after the data. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error I/O error writing to <drive>: <error number>
Reason An error was encountered whilst trying to write to the <drive> tape drive. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. It is possible that the tape is faulty. Try another tape.

Error Illegal blocksize (-b)
Reason The value supplied for the blocksize is invalid. Blocksize must be an integer value.
Solution Use integer value as argument for blocksize.

e.g. devio -b 32

Error Illegal capacity (-c)
Reason The value supplied for the capacity is invalid. Capacity must be an integer value.
Solution Use integer value as argument for capacity.

e.g. devio -c 1048576

Error Illegal read amount (-r)
Reason The value supplied for the read amount is invalid. Read amount must be an integer value.
Solution Use integer value as argument for read amount.

e.g. devio -r 1024

Error Illegal status update time (-t)
Reason The value supplied for the status update time is invalid. Status update time must be an integer value.
Solution Use integer value as argument for status update time.

e.g. devio -t 60

Error Illegal volume number (-v)
Reason The value supplied for the volume number is invalid. Volume number must be an integer value.
Solution Use integer value as argument for volume number.

eg. devio -v 1

Error Media change failed on <drive>
Reason A error occurred whilst changing the tape.
Solution Check that the new tape is valid.

Error Tape is not partitioned
Reason The tape in the drive is not formatted correctly with valid tape partitions.
Solution Partition the tape correctly.

Error Tape is write protected
Reason Devio is unable to write to the tape as it is write protected.
Solution Move the protection tab on the tape so that the tape is writeable.

Error There is no tape loaded
Reason There is no tape in the specified drive.
Solution Load a tape in the specified drive.



Error Couldn't access drive <drive>: <error number>
Reason The drive specified could not be accessed. Either the drive name is invalid or there is a problem with the tape drive. The exact error can be determined by running: net helpmsg <error number>
Solution Check that the tape name is correct and that the tape drive is working.

Error Couldn't allocate memory for I/O buffer
Reason Devscan was unable to allocate enough memory for the buffer.

The system is short on memory.

Solution Free up some memory by shutting down other applications.

Error Error <number>: Failed to initialise tape
Reason A general error has occurred whilst trying to initialise the tape. The exact error can be determined by running: net helpmsg <error number>
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. It is possible that the tape or tape device is faulty.

Error I/O error: file <file>, block <block>
Reason Devscan encountered an error reading at file <file> and block <block>.
Solution Try reading the tape again. If the problem persists it is likely that the data or tape is corrupt.

Error Illegal blocksize (-b)
Reason The value supplied for the blocksize is invalid. Blocksize must be an integer value.
Solution Use integer value as argument for blocksize.

e.g. devscan -b 32

Error Illegal datasize (-d)
Reason The value supplied for the datasize is invalid. Datasize must be an integer value.
Solution Use integer value as argument for datasize.

e.g. devscan -d 1048576

Error Illegal number of files (-f)
Reason The value supplied for the number of files is invalid. The number of files must be an integer value.
Solution Use integer value as argument for number of files.

e.g. devscan -f 4

Error Tape is not partitioned
Reason The tape in the drive is not formatted correctly with valid tape partitions.
Solution Partition the tape correctly.

Error There is no tape loaded
Reason There is no tape in the specified drive.
Solution Load a tape in the specified drive.



Error end_label: Illegal or missing media capacity
Reason In order to have an end_label, the media capacity must be supplied as an argument to end_label. Either the value was not supplied or the value supplied is invalid.
Solution Supply a valid media capacity value.



Error Couldn't find Home Directory
Reason The variable EWC_HOME needs to be set for the Enterprise Windows Client to set various paths. Either the EWC_HOME variable is not set or the registry entry is invalid.
Solution Set the EWC_HOME variable to point to the location of the Enterprise Windows Client home directory. Check the registry entry for the Enterprise Windows Client HomeDir value.

Error Couldn't find server directory
Reason This error results from a failed attempt by ewc.exe to change to the server directory.
Solution Ensure that the Enterprise Windows Client is installed correctly. Also check that the server directory exists and is accessible.

Error Failed to read file: <file>
Reason The specified file could not be found or opened.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible. The file should be located in the server directory.

Error Failed to write to file: <file>
Reason The specified file could not be written to.
Solution Check that appropriate permissions exist for the file to be opened or created.

Error Fatal
Reason The Enterprise Windows Client has encountered a fatal error.
Solution It is likely that this fault was caused by a system error.

Restart the Enterprise Windows Client.

Error Incr Tcl Initialisation Error
Reason The Enterprise Windows Client failed to initialize incr tcl.
Solution Fatal error, the software has been corrupted. Re-install the Enterprise Windows Client.

Error Internal Error
Reason The Enterprise Windows Client failed to access a critical file. The startup.tcl file in the lib directory.
Solution Fatal error, the software has been corrupted. Re-install the Enterprise Windows Client.

Error Library Initialisation Error
Reason The Enterprise Windows Client failed to initialize an internal library.
Solution Fatal error, the software has been corrupted. Re-install the Enterprise Windows Client.

Error Tcl Initialisation Error

vThe Enterprise Windows Client failed to initialize tcl.

Solution Check that the tcl76.dll exists and is accessible in the Enterprise Windows Client bin directory.

Error Tk Initialisation Error
Reason The Enterprise Windows Client failed to initialize tk.
Solution Check that the tk42.dll exists and is accessible in the Enterprise Windows Client bin directory.



Error Couldn't open <file>
Reason file_excl was unable to open the specified file.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible.

Error Bad file pattern: <pattern>
Reason The file pattern is NULL or the syntax is invalid.
Solution Supply a valid file pattern.



Error Couldn't open <file>
Reason file_list was unable to open the specified file.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible.

Error Couldn't access <file>
Reason Unable to determine the files attributes.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible.

Error Can not read directory <directory>
Reason Unable to read entries from the specified directory.
Solution Check that the directory exists and is accessible.



Error <device>: compression not supported
Reason The device does not support hardware compression.
Solution No solution.

Error <device>: device busy
Reason The device is currently being controlled by another process.
Solution Wait for the command to finish.

Error <device>: no such device or address
Reason The device name supplied is not a valid tape device.
Solution Specify a valid device name.

e.g. mt -f tape0

Error <device>: there is no media in the drive
Reason In order to perform magnetic tape operations, a tape must be loaded in the specified drive.
Solution Load a tape in the specified drive.

Error mt: error accessing device: <error number>
Reason mt was unable to access the tape device. The exact error can be determined by running: net helpmsg <error number>
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error mt: error accessing tape: <error number>
Reason mt was unable to access the tape. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error mt: error setting compression: <error number>
Reason mt was unable to set the compression either on or off. The exact error can be determined by running:

net helpmsg <error number>

Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.



Error Couldn't change to <directory>
Reason regback was unable to change to the directory specified with the -d option.
Solution Check that the directory exists and is accessible.

Error Error accessing profile <user sid>: <error number>
Reason An error was encountered whilst trying to access the specified user profile.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Error accessing registry
Reason regback was unable to access the registry. It is possible that the registry is corrupted or is temporarily inaccessible.
Solution Check that the registry has not been corrupted.

Error Error Creating data file
Reason Details of which keys have been backup up are stored in a file called ebc.dat. This error occurs if this file was unable to be created.
Solution Check permissions on the directory where the file is created. Unless otherwise specified this will be a directory in /tmp.

Error Error getting process token
Reason Unable to to get the process token. System error.
Solution No solution.

Error Error opening <key>: <error number>
Reason An error was encountered whilst trying to access the specified registry key.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Error opening <key>: Access Denied
Reason You do not have permission to access the specified registry key.
Solution Only users with sufficient privileges can access the registry.

Error Error saving <key>: <error number>
Reason The system call to write the specified key to file failed.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. The problem is likely to be either in accessing the registry or writing the data to file.

Error Error replacing <key>: Access Denied
Reason You do not have permission to restore the specified registry key.
Solution Only users with sufficient privileges can restore the registry.

Error Error replacing <key>: <error number>
Reason The system call to restore the specified key from file failed.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. The problem is likely to be either in accessing the registry or reading the data from file.

Error Insufficient Privileges
Reason You do not have permissions to perform the requested action.
Solution This command can only be performed by users whose policy includes the backup right.

Error Unable to get profile path for <user sid>: <error number>
Reason An error was encountered whilst trying to access the specified registry entry for the user profile.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Unknown Privilege <SE_BACKUP_NAME>
Reason The privilege <SE_BACKUP_NAME> does not exist on this host.
Solution The operating system configuration has been altered. This privilege should exist.

Error Unknown Privilege <SE_RESTORE_NAME>
Reason The privilege <SE_RESTORE_NAME> does not exist on this host.
Solution The operating system configuration has been altered. This privilege should exist.

Error Unknown Privilege <SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME>
Reason The privilege <SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME> does not exist on this host.
Solution The operating system configuration has been altered. This privilege should exist.



Error Couldn't change to <directory>
Reason regback was unable to change to the directory specified with the -d option.
Solution Check that the directory exists and is accessible.

Error Error accessing profile <user sid>: <error number>
Reason An error was encountered whilst trying to access the specified user profile.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Error accessing registry
Reason regback was unable to access the registry. It is possible that the registry is corrupted or is temporarily inaccessible.
Solution Check that the registry has not been corrupted.

Error Error Creating data file
Reason Details of which keys have been backup up are stored in a file called ebc.dat. This error occurs if this file was unable to be created.
Solution Check permissions on the directory where the file is created. Unless otherwise specified this will be a directory in /tmp.

Error Error getting process token
Reason Unable to to get the process token. System error.
Solution No solution.

Error Error opening <key>: <error number>
Reason An error was encountered whilst trying to access the specified registry key.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Error opening <key>: Access Denied
Reason You do not have permission to access the specified registry key.
Solution Only users with sufficient privileges can access the registry.

Error Error saving <key>: <error number>
Reason The system call to write the specified key to file failed.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. The problem is likely to be either in accessing the registry or writing the data to file.

Error Error replacing <key>: Access Denied
Reason You do not have permission to restore the specified registry key.
Solution Only users with sufficient privileges can restore the registry.

Error Error replacing <key>: <error number>
Reason The system call to restore the specified key from file failed.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred. The problem is likely to be either in accessing the registry or reading the data from file.

Error Insufficient Privileges
Reason You do not have permissions to perform the requested action.
Solution This command can only be performed by users whose policy includes the backup right.

Error Unable to get profile path for <user sid>: <error number>
Reason An error was encountered whilst trying to access the specified registry entry for the user profile.
Solution Will depend on the error that has occurred.

Error Unknown Privilege <SE_BACKUP_NAME>
Reason The privilege <SE_BACKUP_NAME> does not exist on this host.
Solution The operating system configuration has been altered. This privilege should exist.

Error Unknown Privilege <SE_RESTORE_NAME>
Reason The privilege <SE_RESTORE_NAME> does not exist on this host.
Solution The operating system configuration has been altered. This privilege should exist.

Error Unknown Privilege <SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME>
Reason The privilege <SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME> does not exist on this host.
Solution The operating system configuration has been altered. This privilege should exist.



Error Could not open <file>
Reason The specified file could not be opened. The application home db directory is also checked for this file.
Solution Check that the file exists and is accessible.

Error WINDIR variable not set
Reason The service script relies on the variable WINDIR being set. It uses this variable to locate the Windows NT net command.

i.e. $WINDIR/system32/net

Solution Check that the SYSTEM account has the WINDIR variable set correctly.

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