
COSmanager/User Guide

This page was last modified 00:08, 10 July 2006.

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This guide is the primary reference for installing and setting up COSmanager products and is designed to help you use COSmanager quickly and efficiently. It describes:

Who should use this guide

This guide is aimed at:

What COSmanager Can Do

COSmanager provides systems and operations management for distributed open systems data centers. COSmanager includes a management framework, a suite of system management applications, and an enabling technology that allows you to automate key system administration functions.

The user interface to COSmanager applications is provided through a set of software tools called The Functional Toolset. This means that the screens look similar and work in a similar way, on both character-based and X Windows terminals. Appendix A explains how to use the interface tools.

For Data Center Managers
COSmanager ensures a secure, efficient, and reliable computing service to end-users. COSmanager provides a management overview of the current state of your data center operations in terms of service levels. Through automation and delegation of routine tasks it retains expert knowledge, reduces the burden on experienced staff and provides a learning path for junior staff.
For Administrators
COSmanager automates routine and repetitive administration tasks, freeing experienced staff for higher-value work. It allows centralized control over distributed networks. Because tasks can be safely delegated, it reduces the number of staff who need to know the root password.
For Operations Staff
COSmanager handles many tedious housekeeping tasks automatically. COSmanager presents operators with a view of their daily workload, and provides a consistent interface across different versions of UNIX.
For Auditors
COSmanager promotes a ‘policy and procedures’ approach to system management. It documents the procedures that are meant to be performed and provides audit trails that record what duties are actually performed, so that agreed policy can be compared with actual practice.

For More Information

This guide describes how to install COSmanager applications. Each application has its own manual explaining in detail how to configure and use it — for example backup3G User Guide.

Technical information about COSmanager commands can be found in the COSmanager Reference Guide. This contains manual pages for the Functional Toolset and application - specific commands.

COSmanager promotes a ‘policies and procedures’ approach to system management. How to Implement Policy Based Management and a Sample Policy and Procedures Manual are available without charge from your COSmanager distributor.

Where to from here

COSmanager Overview

Installing COSmanager

Configuring COSmanager

Installing COSmanager Applications and Modules

Managing COSmanager Applications

COSmanager Users and Access Controls

Audit Trails
