
Windows Client/Readme

This page was last modified 04:35, 19 February 2008.

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The Enterprise Windows Client 5.1 (EWC 5.1) allows the integration of Windows 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista hosts into the Backup3G and/or Task3G environments. Management and delegation is centralized on a UNIX or Linux host. The backup and job scheduling environment can contain any number of UNIX, Linux and Windows. These hosts and their resources (tape drives, filesystems, etc.) are then accessible by any other host in the environment.



Copyright of the following software is held and reserved by Functional Software Pty. Ltd. With the exception of copies of the software for backup or archival purposes, it is an infringement of the Australian Copyright Act to copy or reproduce any of this program, either in whole or in part. Functional Software reserves the right to make changes or improvements to the software at any time and without any notice.

Functional Software provides the software 'as is' without any warranty as to performance, accuracy or freedom from error. Under no circumstances will Functional Software be liable for direct, indirect, consequential, special or exemplary damages resulting for the use, misuse or any defect in the software or documentation.



UNIX is a registered trademark of the Open Group.

Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

COSmanager, Enterprise Windows Client, COSbackup, COStask, Backup3G and Task3G are trademarks of Functional Software Pty. Ltd.

All other trademarks and registered trademarks of products mentioned in this product and documentation are recognised by Functional Software Pty. Ltd.


System Requirements

Enterprise Windows Client 5.1 requires the following:

Windows Hardware:

  • 15Mb of hard disk space
  • 256Mb memory (minimum)
  • Network connection

Windows Software:

  • Windows 2000, XP, 2003 or Vista
  • TCP/IP

UNIX/Linux Software:

  • COSmanager 4.2.2 or higher; and
  • COSbackup 3.2.5 or higher; or
  • Backup3G 5.1 or higher; and/or
  • COStask/Task3G 4.1 or higher


Release Details

The Enterprise Windows Client software consists of two components. The component that resides on the Windows host is referred to as:

Enterprise Windows Client (previously Enterprise Backup Client)

The official release of this product is:


This release works with COSbackup version 3.2.5 or higher, Backup3G 5.1 version or higher and COStask/Task3G version 4.1 or higher.


Further Documentation

Further documentation can be found in the help directory. Documentation includes:

  • errors - list of error messages and their meaning
  • install - notes on installation
  • licence - licence agreements for third party software
  • release - release notes


Technical Support

Functional Software provides support and maintenance services to customers who have paid the Annual Maintenance Fee. These services include the logging of Support Calls.

February 2008
Copyright © 1990-2025 Functional Software. All rights reserved.