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COSserver - remote COSmanager command execution


COSserver -i | -install
COSserver -r | -remove
COSserver [-d]


COSserver is a TCP service listening on port 9002 and provides remote execution facilities. It is used to execute commands requested by remote COSserver clients.
Clients connect to the server and request the execution of a command on behalf of a user. If the client has the necessary authority, theserver will execute the command and return the standard output and standard error of the command to the client. Any standard input sent from the client is passed to the command. It will also return the exit status of the command executed.
COSserver does a series of authentication steps to ensure that the request is genuine. These are:
  1. The local hostinfo table is consulted, to ensure that the request originates from a known COSmanager host;
  2. COSserver generates a random number, which is passed back to the host making the request. This random number is then hashed with the contents of the request, and the encrypted hash code is passed back to COSserver. COSserver then verifies that the hash code is correct.


Install COSserver as a service. Once installed, it can be controlled using the net command, or using the Services window invoked from the Control Panel.
Remove the COSserver service.
-d Turn on debugging. Useful if there is a problem connecting.
There are a couple of other flags mentioned in the help screen which are only useful for testing purposes.


COSserver -install
Install the COSserver as a service.
COSserver -remove
Remove the COSserver service.
COSserver -d
Run COSserver interactively, and turn on debug information. Note that the COSserver service must be turned off for this to work.


This file contains the list of hosts that are allowed to execute commands on the local host. Each host is followed by a comunications method that is used from the local host to execute commands on that host.


The base directory of the Enterprise Windows Client. This value is retrieved from the registry via the HomeDir value under the Enterprise Windows Client section of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE
For example: /cygdrive/C/Program Files/Functional Software/EWC_5.1
For the cos command to be run in the correct environment, the variable APPL_NAME must be set. APPL_NAME can be set to either backup or task.
The base directory of the Enterprise Windows Client in DOS syntax.
For example: C:\Program Files\Functional Software\EWC_5.1
The fullname of the user connecting to the Enterprise Windows Client.
For example: COSmanager
The username of the user connecting to the Enterprise Windows Client.
For example: cosmos
The location, relative to EWC_HOME of the Enterprise Windows Client executables is prepended to the PATH variable.
For example: /bin:/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32:/cygdrive/c/Windows
The username of the user connecting to the Enterprise Windows Client.
For example: cosmos


The following exit values are returned:
1 program or system error
0 successful




Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.5 - Last modified 5th January 2008.




FSntcpio - perform ntcpio format backup and restore


FSntcpio [-v] [-W] [-I index] [-s pattern] [-S file] [-x pattern | -X file] directory
FSntcpio -a files [-v] [-W] [-I index] [-x pattern | -X file] directory
FSntcpio -f [-v] [-W] [-I index] [-x pattern | -X file] directory
FSntcpio -i [-d] [-v] [-W] [-I index] [-x pattern | -X file] directory
FSntcpio -l
FSntcpio -L list [-v] [-I index] [-x pattern | -X file] directory
FSntcpio -r [-v] [-D directories] [-F files] directory


FSntcpio implements backup/restore/archive using ntcpio.
In backup and archive mode it writes data in ntcpio format to standard output. In restore mode it unloads data in ntcpio format from standard input. Directory is the name of the base directory relative to which the backup or restore is done.
When performing a full backup, FSntcpio copies all files under directory and creates a time stamp file called .FSbackup. When performing an incremental backup, FSntcpio copies files in directory that have a modification time newer than that of .FSbackup. Furthermore, with the deleting backup option, a list of files that have been deleted or renamed since the full backup is saved. Later, when a restore is performed, these files are then handled correctly so that the state of the restored directory matches the original at the time of the incremental backup.
An online index to aid the restore of selected files and directories can be generated during the backup as the data is written, using the -I flag, or at some time later by reading data back from the tape using the -l flag.
Selected files and directories can be included (backup only these files under directory) or excluded (backup all files under directory except for these files) from the backup.


Only one of the following options should be specified:
-a files Archive the specified file/directories.
-f Full backup: backup the whole directory, plus create .FSbackup.
-i Incremental backup. Backup files modified later than .FSbackup (see also the discussion on deleting backup above).
-r Recover files given by -D and -F (or everything if they are not specified).
-l Create an index from an existing ntcpio backup to standard output. Does NOT perform a backup or restore.
If none of the above is specified, FSntcpio will default to a selected file backup as determined by the -s or -S flags (or, if neither of these is specified, backup the whole directory. Note that this is still a selected backup, as .FSbackup is not created).
The following options apply to backups only (ie. not -r or -l):
-d Do deleting backup (-f and -i only).
-L list Only save files whose names are specified in list one per line (exact match - no patterns).
-s pattern Select for backup only files matching the specified patterns. Each pattern may also begin with "!" indicating that files matching this pattern are to be excluded. (selected file backup only)
-S file Read file for the list of file patterns to select or exclude, one per line. The file may also contain comments on lines starting with "#". (selected file backup only)
-W Ignore warnings. For example: Cannot access file would mean the exit status will be set to 2. The -W flag will override and set the exit status to 0 (successful).
-x Exclude from the backup files matching the specified patterns.
-X file Read file for the list of file patterns to exclude, one per line.
The following options apply to restore only:
-D dirs Recover the specified directories recursively
-F files Recover the specified files
Other options supported:
-I file Create an index in the specified file (not -r)
-v Verbose output. Display the filenames as they are backed up or restored.


The options -s, -S, -x and -X define filename patterns to either include or exclude in a backup. The format of these patterns is very much like the format of file patterns in the Bourne Shell. Note that forward slash must be used as the directory separator.
The following special characters are recognised:
* Matches any string not containing "/", including the null string. However a "*" by itself (i.e. only surrounded by "/") will match ANY string.
? Matches any one character except "/".
[..] Matches any one of the set of characters in the brackets. If the first character after the "[" is "!", any character NOT in the set is matched. A range of characters can be specified using "-".
Some examples:
will match Windows/file2.d
will match home/mike/core, but not home/mike/src/core
because the "*" is by itself, this will match home/core, home/mike/core, and home/mike/src/core etc.
matches all files under any directory called "tmp". For example mike/tmp/src/test.c will match.
File patterns should be relative the base directory.


FSntcpio -f -I /tmp/index2 C:/users
Generates a full backup of the directory C:/users to standard output, generating an online index in /tmp/index2.
FSntcpio -i -I /tmp/index9 -x "*/core */*.o" D:/r+d
Generates an incremental backup of the directory D:/r+d to standard output, generating an online index. Exclude any "core" or ".o" files.
FSntcpio -s "[a-h]*/* !*/tmp/*" D:/home
Generates a selected backup of directories under D:/home starting with the letters "a" through "h". Exclude any "tmp" directories.
FSntcpio -L /tmp/files "C:/Program Files"
Generate a backup of the files listed in /tmp/files where they are assumed to be relative to the "C:/Program Files" directory.
FSntcpio -a "first.doc second.doc Manuals" C:/Documents
Generate an archive of the files first.doc, second.doc, and the directory Manuals, which are relative to the directory C:/Documents.
FSntcpio -l -I /tmp/index4
Generate an online index to the file /tmp/index4 from ntcpio format data read from standard input.
FSntcpio -r -D "Program Files" -F config.sys C:/tmp
Restore the directory "Program Files" and the file config.sys to the directory C:/tmp from data read from standard input. The directory "Program Files" and file config.sys were originally backed up relative to the root directory on drive C (C:/).


The time stamp file created in directory by a full backup. Incremental backups only select files whose modification date is after that of .FSbackup. This file will be empty unless the -d (deletion) flag is used. In this case, it will contain a list of the names of all the files backed up.
The "deletion" list produced when an incremental backup is performed with the -d (deletion) flag. This contains a list of files which have been deleted or renamed since the last full backup.


The following exit values are returned:
10 trapped signal
2 invalid usage
1 program or system error
0 successful


When performing an incremental backup, FSntcpio checks whether the file .FSbackup exists. If not, FSntcpio reverts to a full backup.
FSntcpio writes to standard output. In Backup3G, a backup method defined to use "stdout" pipes the output on to devio for streaming to the tape device.
The files contained in the backup have paths relative to directory.
The "deleting" option (-d) requires an extra scan of the directory before the backup, and hence may be slower to start.
The forward slash must be used as the directory separator. ie: directories should be specified as C:/Windows, not C:\Windows


ntcpio(1), file_list(1), file_excl(1), devio(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.30 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




FSregback - perform registry backup and restore


FSregback -b [-pv] [-I file]
FSregback -l [-p]
FSregback -r [-Rv] [-K keys]
FSregback -rp [-v] [-P profiles]
FSregback -R


Used for registry or user profile backup and restore.
To perform a registry backup, you must have the Backup privilege. Only dynamic registry keys are backed up. These are the sub keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and the DEFAULT user key in HKEY_USERS. The data is written to the standard output stream in the ntcpio format.
To perform a registry restore, you must have the Restore privilege. The registry data is read from the standard input stream. If specific keys were specified with the -K flag only those keys will be restored, else all keys will be restored. The actual restoration of these keys does not take place until the next time the host is rebooted. Temporary files ending in 999 are created for the restore process. These files can be removed once the host has been rebooted and the keys restored.
User profiles can be backed up by specifying the -p flag with the -b flag. The profiles can be restored by specifying the -p flag with the -r flag. Profile restoration can be limited to specific users by using the -P flag, else all profiles will be restored.


The following options are supported:
-b Perform either a registry or profile backup. (see -p flag).
-I file Write an index of the backup to file.
-K keys Recover the specified keys. Used with the -r flag.
-l Generate either a registry or profile index. (see -p flag).
-p Perform the action on the user profiles. The default is to perform the action on the registry. Specified in conjunction with either -b, -l or -r.
-P profiles Recover the specified profiles. Used with the -pr flags.
-r Restore either the registry or user profiles. (see -p flag).
-R Reboot the host.
-v Verbose output.


FSregback -b -I C:/tmp/index
Perform a registry backup. The data is written to the standard output stream. An index of the keys backed up is written to C:/tmp/index.
Recover the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE sub keys, SOFTWARE and SECURITY. Reboot the host.
FSregback -lp
Generate a profile index. The data is read from the standard input stream. The index is written to the standard output stream.


The location of the temporary directory used to create temporary files.

DIAGNOSTICS The following exit values are returned:

2 invalid usage
1 program or system error
0 successful


regback(1), FSsysstate(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.8 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




FSremote - run a command on a remote host and return the exit status


FSremote [-S] host command


Connect to the specified host and execute the specified command within the COSmanager environment. The exit status of FSremote is set to the exit status of the command. Any standard input is passed to the remote command and the remote command's standard output and standard error become that of FSremote.


The following options are supported:
-D Display debugging messages. Useful for diagnosing problems.
-S Set the user id and group id of the remote process to $LOGNAME.


FSremote aunty "mt_wait"
Run the mt_wait command on remote host aunty.
FSremote -S decoy "id"
Run the id command on remote host decoy with UID and GID set to the environment variable $LOGNAME.


Contains the remote communications method to use when executing a command on a remote host. Only two methods are supported by EWC: COSserver and rsh.


The following exit values are returned:
10 trapped signal
1 invalid usage, program or system error 0 successful
Other exit values are indeterminate as FSremote will terminate with the exit status of the remote command it executes.


COSserver(1), rsh(1), rshd(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 4.7 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




FSsysstate - perform system state backup


FSregback -t


Used for system state backup. This includes:
  • Boot files
  • COM+ Class Registration database
  • Registry
  • Active Directory (NTDS) (if the server is a domain controller)
  • System volume (SYSVOL) (if the server is a domain controller)
  • Certificate Services database (if the server is running certificate services)
  • Cluster service (if the server is running cluster service)
To perform a system state backup, you must have the Backup privilege. All components of the system state are backed up to a file in the supplied directory. You cannot select individual components for backup or for restore. Once the system state backup to file is complete, backup the file to tape using FSntcpio.
To perform a system state restore, you must first restore the system state backup file (sysstate.bkf) from tape.
  1. Start the computer in Drectory Services Restore Mode. To do this, restart the computer and press F8 when ou see the Boot menu.
  2. Choose Directory Services Restore Mode.
  3. Choose the Windows installation you are going to recover, and press ENTER.
  4. Login with appropriate privileges, for example, Administrator.
  5. Click OK to acknowledge you are using Safe Mode.
  6. Click Start > Programs > Accessories > System Tools, and then click Backup.
  7. Click the Restore tab.
  8. Click the File media and system state to restore.
  9. In the Restore Files to box, select Original Location.
  10. Click Start Restore.
  11. After the restore process is finished, restart the computer.


The following options are supported:
-t directory Perform a system state backup, writing the data the file sysstate.bkf in the supplied directory. By default the data is written to $EWC_HOME/tmp/sysstate.bkf


FSsysstate -t C:/TEMP
Perform a system state backup. The data is written to the file C:/TEMP/sysstate.bkf.


The base directory of the Enterprise Windows Client in DOS syntax.
eg. C:\PROGRA~1\FUNCTI~1\EBC_5.1


The following exit values are returned:
2 invalid usage
1 program or system error
0 successful


FSntcpio(1), FSregback(1)
Microsoft Help and Support: How to Backup and Restore the System State in Windows


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.4 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




busplit - split a list of files into sub-lists based on file size


busplit [-nB] partsize prefix


Busplit reads a list of file names from standard input, breaking them up into a number of separate lists in such a way as to ensure that the total size of files in each list is less than a given size.


Busplit understands the following options:
-n Write out the number of parts into which the input list was split to standard output.
-B Do not backup files larger than the part size.
partsize The maximum size in KB that the total size of the files in each list.
prefix Busplit writes its output into files with the given name followed by 3 digits, starting at 001. For example, if the prefix is C:/tmp/bu, then busplit will create files with the names: C:/tmp/bu001, C:/tmp/bu002, and so on.


file_list "D:/home/*" | busplit 5000 C:/Windows/TEMP/bu
Splits the list of all files under D:/home into lists so that each list is 5000KB or less. Each of these lists is stored in a unique file that has a prefix of C:/Windows/TEMP/bu.


The following exit values are returned:
89 A file was found that is larger than the maximum part size
0 successful


file_list(1), file_excl(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.21 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




cos - execute Enterprise Windows Client command


cos [-u user] application -c command


Used to execute commands in an Enterprise Windows Client specified application (backup or task) environment.
Cos first performs licence validation for the specified application and the operating system version and host. Once validated, the Enterprise Windows Client environment is setup and the command specified with the -c flag is executed.


The following options are supported:
-c command Executes command in an Enterprise Windows Client backup or task environment. The -c flag is not optional.
-u user Sets the LOGNAME and USERNAME environment variables to the specified value.


cos backup -c bash
Obtain an Enterprise Windows Client backup shell.
cos -u harry task -c uname
Execute the command uname in an Enterprise Windows Client task environment. The environment has the variables LOGNAME and USERNAME set to harry.


The base directory of the Enterprise Windows Client. This value is retrieved from the registry via the HomeDir value under the Enterprise Windows Client section of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE.
e.g. /cygdrive/C/Program Files/Functional Software/EWC_5.1
For the cos command to be run in the correct environment, the variable APPL_NAME must be set. APPL_NAME can be set to either backup or task.
The base directory of the Enterprise Windows Client in DOS syntax.
e.g. C:\Program Files\Functional Software\EWC_5.1
The fullname of the user connecting to the Enterprise Windows Client.
e.g. COSmanager
The username of the user connecting to the Enterprise Windows Client.
e.g. cosmos
The location, relative to EWC_HOME of the Enterprise Windows Client executables is prepended to the PATH variable.
e.g. /bin:/cygdrive/c/Windows/system32:/cygdrive/c/Windows
The username of the user connecting to the Enterprise Windows Client.
e.g. cosmos

DIAGNOSTICS The following exit values are returned:

1 program error, invalid usage or invalid licence
0 successful

Other exit values are indeterminate as cos will terminate with the exit status of the command it invokes.


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.13 - Last modified 5th January 2008.




db_date - return today's date


db_date [-t]


db_date writes today's date to standard output in database internal format.


The following options are supported:
-t The time will be output along with the date.


db_date -t
Write out the date and time.


The following exit values are returned:
2 Invalid flags
0 successful


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.3 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




devio - handle I/O to devices such as tape drives


devio -i|o [-bcdLmnprs1] [command]


Devio reads data from or writes data to either a disk file or a device such as a tape drive. Devio can be called several times in succession to write to a set of tapes or other media, and handle volume changes as necessary.
Normally devio reads from the device, passing data to standard output (-i option) or writes to the device, obtaining data from standard input (-o option). However, if a command is given as a parameter (which must be quoted to ensure that it is passed as a single parameter), then it is executed, and data is piped to or from that process. Devio will then terminate with the same exit status as this process. This is useful if devio is called from a shell script which needs to know whether the data transfer was successful.


-i Devio will read data from the device, passing it to STDOUT or to the standard input of the optional command.
-o Devio will write data to the device, reading it from STDIN or from the standard output of the optional command.
-d device I/O will be done to the specified device or file. Typically this would be a Windows tape device name, such as tape0. If this option is omitted, the environment variable TAPE should specify the device.
-n name This specifies a name by which the user knows the device, as specified by the -d option. If this option is specified, then any user messages referring to the device will use the specified name, rather than the Windows device name.
-b blocksize The blocksize in KB that should be used for I/O to the device. The default is 64KB.
-c capacity The capacity in KB of each volume. This figure should be the amount of data that can safely be written. Devio will request a change of volume after this amount has been read or written. The default is unlimited capacity, implying that media changes will occur at physical end of volume or on an I/O error.
-m command A command to run to change the volume in the device. This command should exit with a status of 0 when the drive is ready and loaded with the new volume. It can also optionally write the name of the next device to use on its STDOUT (if it has changed). A non-zero exit status will cause devio to exit with that status. This command can also do things like checking for or writing a label on the new tape.
-s startpos The amount of data in KB to to skip or that has already been written on the first volume. This tells devio how much data can still fit (if writing) or remains (if reading) on the first volume. On subsequent volumes it is assumed that the full capacity (given by -c) is available. The default is 0, i.e.: starting at the beginning of the volume.
-r amount The amount of data in KB that devio should read. This is only applicable with the -i option, and is only necessary on devices, such as floppy disks, which have no mechanism for delimiting files or datasets on the one volume. By default devio will read to end of file.
-P volsizes The amounts of data in KB that devio should read on each volume. If more than one size is given, devio will read the first amount, request a volume change, and continue to read the second amount etc. This is only applicable with the -i option. By default devio will stop at end of file.
-L Indicates that the data being read or written is a single block tape label. Unless -b is specified, this will be a 512 byte block.
-p Indicates that all blocks are to be written at the specified blocksize. Normally devio will write a short last block if there is insufficient data to fill the block. This flag will cause such a block to be NULL padded.
-1 Indicates that at least one block should be written to the device, even if there is no input data. This is useful for jobs which write multiple files to one tape, and want to ensure that the relative positions of each file is constant, even if one file is empty. Many tape devices have no means of writing an empty file.
-u Causes devio to write details of the amounts of data written, the elapsed time & rate to the given file.


devio -o -b32 -d tape0 'FSntcpio -f C:/local'
Write a backup of C:/local to tape device tape0 using 32K blocksize.
devio -i -b32 -d tape0 'FSntcpio -r C:/tmp'
Recover the contents of tape device tape0 to C:/tmp. Data is read from tape0 in 32K blocks and passed to FSntcpio.


If the tape device is not specified one of these environment variables will be used instead, if set.


The following exit values are returned:
95 error passing data to or from the command
90 device I/O error
85 no data was written to the device
83 devio did not read as much data as expected
81 media change failed
80 unable to open device
1 program error, invalid usage or invalid licence


devscan(1), ntcpio(1), FSntcpio(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 4.1 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




devscan - verify readability of a removable medium


devscan [-b blocksize] [-d datasize] [-e] [-f files] [-n name] device


Devscan reads the specified device and reports the amount of data and the number of files read. Here a file refers to data written to a tape or similar medium, and separated from the next file by an end-of-file mark. In other words, in this context a file is usually an archive produced by a backup utility such as ntcpio. If an I/O error is encountered, this is reported, and devscan will terminate with an error status.
Devscan can be used to do a simple verification of data on a removable device after a backup. Note that devscan only verifies that the data is readable; it does not guarantee that it is correct or consistent. This type of verification is all that is required for most sites, as checksums used on most modern tapes virtually guarantee that as long as the data is readable, it will be the same data as was written.
Note that for tape devices, devscan starts reading from the current position of the tape. This usually means that the tape should be rewound before and after running devscan.
When standard output is directed to a TTY device, devscan displays a running count of the blocks being read. Otherwise, only a summary is given.


Devscan understands the following options:
-b blocksize The blocksize (in KB) to use when reading data from the tape. This option is ignored when using a tape drive supporting variable length blocks. Even when using a fixed blocksize tape drive (such as a QIC), this option is usually not required, as devscan automatically queries the drive to determine the blocksize to use.
-d datasize The maximum amount of data (in KB) to read. If this option is specified, devscan will stop after reading this amount of data. By default devscan will read to the end of data, or the end of the physical device (whichever comes first).
-e Many tape devices indicate end of data with two successive tape marks, which is the same as an empty tape file. This flag tells devscan NOT to stop scanning when an empty tape file is encountered.
-f files The maximum number of files to read. If this option is specified, devscan will stop after reading this number of files. This is only required on some devices (usually cartridge tapes), which support an end-of-file mark, but do not support an end-of-data mark. Two consecutive end-of-file marks are also taken to mean the end-of-data.
-n name The name by which the user knows the device. If this option is specified, then any messages referring to the device will use the specified name, rather than the system device name.


devscan tape0
Scan the tape device tape0 until the end of media is reached.
devscan -f1 tape1
Scan one tape file only on tape device tape1


The following exit values are returned:
1 program error, invalid usage or invalid licence
0 successful

SEE ALSO devio, ntcpio


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.7 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




ewc - Enterprise Windows Client configuration


ewc [config]


Without any arguments, invokes the Enterprise Windows Client Graphical User Interface.
The Enterprise Windows Client Interface is used to display product and user information, licencing and for setting up communication services used and remote host access.
If the config argument is specified, initial configuration actions will be performed. These include specifying the Master COSmanager host and setting file permissions. This option should only be run once.
The following commands are supported:
config Enterprise Windows Client initial configuration.


Invoke the Enterprise Windows Client Interface.
ewc config
Perform Enterprise Windows Client initial configuration actions.


The company name that the Enterprise Windows Client is licenced to.
The base directory of the Enterprise Windows Client. If this variable is not set the value will be retrieved from the registry via the HomeDir key under the Enterprise Windows Client section of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE.
e.g. C:\Program Files\Functional Software\EWC_5.1
Set to the server directory under the Enterprise Windows Client home directory.
The Windows hostname.
The type of Enterprise Windows Client licence. Can be either SERVER or WORKSTATION.


The following exit values are returned:
1 unable to locate home directory, program or system error.
0 successful


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.4 - Last modified 5th January 2008.




file_excl - exclude filenames matching set of patterns from standard input


file_excl [-f file] pattern...


File_excl reads a list of file names from standard input, removing ones matching a given set of patterns [see below], and writing the others to standard output.
The following operands are supported:

pattern Exclude those files matching pattern. See below for the syntax.


The following options are supported:
-f file Read the list of file patterns from the given file.


File_list and file_excl both use a common form of file pattern, which is very similar to that used by the shell, but enhanced so that a single "*" character as a component of a pathname matches any depth of directory, including zero. Note that the forward slash must be used as the directory separator.
For example:
*/core matches any "core" file in the current directory and any subdirectory.
/usr/*/core matches any "core" file under /usr and its subdirectories.
/usr/* matches all files under /usr.

The normal shell file expansion characters are also observed. i.e.:

? matches any single character.
* matches 0 or more characters, with the exception of the above.
[..] matches any one of the enclosed characters. If the first character of the list is "!", then any character not enclosed is matched.
A backslash before any of the above characters removes its special meaning.
Patterns can also be specified in a pattern-file. In this case each pattern must be on a separate line. Blank lines and lines starting with "#" are ignored.


file_list "/home/*" | file_excl "*/core" "*/*.[oa]"
Generates a list of all files under /home except core files, object (.o) files, and archive libraries (.a).


File patterns on the command line should be quoted to avoid the shell expanding the names itself.


file_list(1), busplit(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.8 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




file_list - generate list of files for backup


file_list [-dr] [-n file] [-f file] [pattern...]


File_list writes a list of file names to standard output matching a given set of patterns, and other criteria. It is a little like find, but allows more flexible selection & exclusion based on file name patterns.
File_list expands the given file patterns [see below], writing the list (optionally restricted by the -n option) to standard output. Patterns starting with the "!" character are excluded from the list.


File_list understands the following options:
-d Automatically include all ancestor directories of all files returned. This is useful when file_list is used to generate names for ntcpio to backup.
-f file Read the list of file patterns from the given file. This list is in addition to any patterns specified on the command line.
-n file Only return file names that have been modified since the specified file.
-r Recursively descend all directories listed.
pattern Include those files matching pattern. See below for the syntax. If omitted, all files below the current directory are included. File patterns must be relative the current directory.


File_list and file_excl both use a common form of file pattern, which is very similar to that used by the shell, but enhanced so that a single "*" character as a component of a pathname matches any depth of directory, including zero. Note that the forward slash must be used as the directory separator.
For example:
*/core matches any "core" file in the current directory and any subdirectory.
src/*/core matches any "core" file under ./src and its subdirectories.
src/* matches all files under ./src.

The normal shell file expansion characters are also observed:

? matches any single character.
* matches 0 or more characters, with the exception of the above.
[..] matches any one of the enclosed characters. If the first character of the list is "!", then any character not enclosed is matched.
A backslash before any of the above characters removes its special meaning.
Patterns can also be specified in a pattern-file. In this case each pattern must be on a separate line. Blank lines and lines starting with "#" are ignored.
File_list allows patterns to specify files to be either included or excluded. If the pattern begins with "!", the files are to be excluded.
The file EWC_5.1\db\exclude contains patterns that file_list always excludes.


file_list "src/*" "!*/core" "!*/*.[oa]"
Generates a list of all files under ./src except core files, object (.o) files, and archive libraries (.a).


Warning: No match found for <pattern>.
No file matching the given pattern could be found. This is purely a warning.


File patterns on the command line should be quoted to avoid the shell expanding the names itself.


busplit(1), file_excl(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.18 - Last modified 4th January 2008.




mt - magnetic tape control


mt [-f tapename] command [count]
mt -h


Used to control magnetic tape devices. By default mt performs the requested operation once. Multiple operations can be performed by specifying count. If tapename is not specified, the default device tape0 is used.
The following commands are supported:
bsf Space backward count file marks.
blocksize Set the blocksize to count bytes (0 = variable).
compression Turn compression on (count = 1) or off (count = 0).
fsf Space forward count file marks.
help Output help message.
offline Take the tape offline.
rewind Rewind the tape.
status Output drive and media status.


The following options are supported:
-f tapename Specify the name of the device to control. tapename can be specified using either \\.\tape# or tape# notation.
-h Display short help message


mt rewind
Rewind the media in tape device tape0 to the beginning.
mt -f tape1 compression 0
Turn compression off for tape device tape1.


The following exit values are returned:
2 command failure whilst performing the operation
1 invalid usage, invalid device or no media loaded
0 successful


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.10 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




ntcpio - Backup/restore utility for Microsoft Windows


ntcpio -i [-tv] [pattern]
ntcpio -o [-AtTv] [-I file]


The ntcpio command is used to backup files into (-o flag) and restore files from (-i flag) an ntcpio archive. Based on the UNIX cpio command, ntcpio follows the same structure, but has been adapted to support Windows features such as Access Control Lists. The ntcpio format is not compatable with the cpio format.
When restoring files from an archive, only those files matching pattern are selected. If pattern is not specified, all files are restored.
An archive is created by reading a list of files and/or directories from standard input and writing the data from those files along with their associated information to standard output.


The following options are supported:
-i Recover files from an archive on standard input.
-o Backup files listed on standard intput to an archive on standard output.
-A Only include files whose Archive bit is set.
-I file Write a human-readable index of the archive to the specified file.
-t Print table of contents (list the file names) of the archive to standard output. When used with -i, no files are restored.
-v Verbose output. When used in conjunction with -t flag, extra file information is output.
-T Similar to -t, but print a full index of the archive.
pattern Only restore those files matching pattern. The notation used is similar to file patterns in the Unix shell.


file_list | ntcpio -ov > backup.dat
Generate an ntcpio archive of all files in the current directory to the backup.dat file.
ntcpio -ivt < backup.dat
Print out an index of all files contained in the backup.dat ntcpio format archive.


The following exit values are returned:
1 invalid usage, program or system error
0 successful


FSntcpio(1), file_list(1), file_excl(1), devio(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 2.1 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




regback - registry backup and restore


regback -b | -p | -r [-Rv] [-d directory]


Used to backup the registry to file and restore the registry from file.
To perform a registry backup, you must have the Backup privilege. When backing up the registry, a file named EBC.DAT is created. This file contains details about the registry keys that were backed up. Only the keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and the DEFAULT user in HKEY_USERS are backed up. A separate file is created for each sub-key under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and one for the DEFAULT user in HKEY_USERS.
To perform a registry restore, you must have the Restore privilege. The file EBC.DAT is opened and each of the keys listed in that file are set to be restored. These keys are restored the next time the host is rebooted. Temporary files ending in 999 are created for the restore process. These files can be manually removed once the host has been rebooted.
A profile listing can be generated by using the -p flag. This is the profile location for each user account on the system. This function can be used in conjuction with an archive utility to perform a backup of these directories.


The following options are supported:
-b Dump registry keys to file. A list of the files created is written to standard output. The files can then be backed up to tape using ntcpio.
-p Dump user profiles to file. A list of the files created is written to standard output. The files can then be backed up to tape using ntcpio.
-r Recover registry keys from file.
-d directory Change to directory prior to backup or restore.
-R Reboot the system after performing any other specified actions.
-v Verbose output.


regback -b -d D:/tmp
Dump keys in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and DEFAULT user in HKEY_USERS to file in the D:/tmp directory.
regback -rR
Recover the registry from file and then reboot the machine. The EBC.DAT file and files for each of the registry keys to be restored must exist in the current directory.


The following exit values are returned:
1 invalid usage or program error
0 successful




Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.4 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




rsh - remote shell client


rsh [-bd] [-l username] hostname command
rsh -h
rsh -v


Connects to the specified host and executes the specified command using the rsh protocol. The rsh standard input is passed to the remote command and the remote command's standard output and standard error become that of rsh's.


The following options are supported:
-b Turn off binary output mode.
d Display debugging messages. Useful for diagnosing problems.
-h Display help screen.
-l username Specify the username under which the remote command is to be executed.
-v Display version information.


rsh decoy "ls -l"
Run ls -l on host decoy.
rsh -l cosmos aunty pwd
Run pwd on host aunty. An entry for the local username is required in the cosmos .rhosts file.


The following exit values are returned:
2 invalid usage
1 program error
0 successful


FSremote(1), rshd(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.11 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




rshd - remote shell daemon


rshd -install
rshd -remove
rshd [-d] [-n | -s shell]
rshd -h
rshd -v


The Remote Shell Daemon provides remote execution facilities. It is used to execute commands requested by remote shell clients.
Clients connect to the daemon and request the execution of a command on behalf of a user. If the user has the necesary authority, the remote shell daemon will execute the command and return the standard output and standard error of the command to the client. Any standard input sent from the client is passed to the command.


The following options are supported:
-install Install rshd as a service. Once installed, it can be controlled using the net command, or using the Services window invoked from the Control Panel.
-remove Remove the rshd service.
-d Turn on debugging. Useful if there is a problem connecting.
-h Display help screen.
-n Use the default Windows shell (usually cmd.exe) to execute commands. The default is to use bash.exe.
-s shell Use shell to execute commands. The shell extension must be specified eg. sh.exe. The default is to use bash.exe.
-v Display version information.

There are a couple of other flags mentioned in the help screen which are only useful for testing purposes.


rshd -install
Install the remote shell daemon as a service.
rshd -remove
Remove the remote shell daemon service.
rshd -d -s sh.exe
Start the remote shell daemon using sh.exe instead of bash.exe to execute commands, and turn on debug information.


This file contains the list of users and hosts that are allowed to execute commands on the local host. Each line in the file contains the hostname, a space or tab and then the username. This specifies that username can execute commands from hostname.


The following exit values are returned:
1 program or system error
0 successful


FSremote(1), rsh(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.15 - Last modified 24th January 2008.




service - control services


service info
service start [-vy] [-w secs] service
service start [-vy] [-w secs] -f file
service stop [-vy] [-w secs] service
service stop [-vy] [-w secs] -f file


Used to control services. Includes displaying information on currently running services, starting services and stopping services.
The services to be controlled can be either listed in a file or a single service can be supplied on the command line.
The following commands are supported:
info Output a list of currently running services.
start Start the specified service.
stop Stop the specified service.


-f file Perform the specified action on all services listed in the file. The services are listed one per line, and you may include comment lines starting with #. The file should be saved in the db directory under the EWC directory (eg: in C:\Program Files\Functional Software\EWC_5.1\db).
-w secs Wait the specified number of seconds after starting or stopping the service(s). This option may be used to delay subsequent processing if a service takes some time to start or stop.
-v Verbose output.
-y Respond with yes to service control queries. The default is to respond no.


service start rshd
Start the rshd service.
service stop -w 90 -f services
Stop all services listed in the services file. Then wait 90 seconds to allow the listed services time to completely shutdown.


The location of the Windows directory. Used to locate the net command (that is, $WINDIR/system32/net).
eg. C:\Windows


The following exit values are returned:
2 command failure whilst performing the operation
1 invalid usage
0 successful


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version 1.9 - Last modified 5th January 2008.




tapelabel - read and write electronic tape labels


tapelabel -r device
tapelabel -w device [device] number


Used to read and write electronic tape labels.
When writing a tape label, the tape is first rewound using mt. Then a heading, the date and the tape number is written to the tape using devio. The tape is left positioned after the tape label.
To read a tape label, the tape is first rewound using mt. Then devio is used to read the first block of the tape. If the data is read correctly and the tape label is valid, the tape number will be written to standard output. The tape is then rewound.
Tape labels are written as a single 512 byte block.


-r Read the tape label. The tape number from the label is written to standard output.
-w Write a new label to the start of the tape with the specified tape number.


device The name of the tape device. eg. tape0.
number The number to label the tape with (-w only).


tapelabel -r tape0
Write out the label of the tape loaded in drive tape0.
tapelabel -w tape1 tape1 100
Label the tape in drive tape1 as number 100.


The following exit values are returned:
1 invalid usage. I/O, program or system error.
0 successful


The optional second device operand is used only for compatibility with the UNIX version of tapelabel. It is not required on Windows.
Some older versions of tapelabel wrote a 1 KB label instead of 512 bytes. This version will read the old label, but always writes new 512 byte labels.


devio(1), mt(1)


Copyright © 1990-2024 Functional Software. All rights reserved.
Based on version - Last modified 24th January 2008.