
Operating System KBs

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The primary aim of the operating system knowledge bases in Sentinel3G is to provide a base level of operations monitoring that is consistent across various UNIX/Linux platforms. Due to differences between the various operating systems we monitor, complete consistency is not always achievable. This document describes the general content of the OS knowledge bases, and the discrepancies between them on different platforms.

Standard Knowledge Base

The standard knowledge base is OS independent, and so is packaged with Sentinel3G on all Operating Systems. It can be upgraded, but not uninstalled.

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux Solaris Tru64 Unixware Windows

¹ Connectivity and Event_Manager sentries are only started on the Event Host.
² Scheduler sentry is not started by default. Please read the online documentation for details on how to use the Scheduler sentry.

OS Knowledge Base Versions

OS Version Availability Date Min Sentinel
AIX risc 2.1 17th Mar, 2004 4.4
HPUX parisc 2.1 11th May, 2004 4.4
HPUX intel 2.2 6th Jul, 2006 4.4.3
Linux intel 2.1 20th Apr, 2004 4.4.3
Solaris intel 2.1 14th Jan, 2003 4.4
Solaris sparc 2.2 10th Apr, 2006 4.4.3
Tru64 alpha 2.1 2nd Jun, 2004 4.4
Unixware intel 1.0 10th Mar, 2004 4.2
Windows intel 2.2 28th Apr, 2006 4.4.3

OS Knowledge Bases

CPU Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows
Certain operating systems do not provide all the CPU statistics by default, and collecting them may require kernel patches or third party collection tools. Solaris requires packages SUNWaccr and SUNWaccu. Tru64 requires …

¹ All operating systems monitor % System, % User and % Idle CPU time, some OSes provide more information:

OS More CPU_States
AIX, Solaris, Tru64 % Wait IO The amount of time spent waiting for blocked I/0 to complete.
Linux % Nice CPU The percentage of time that the system is in the user state running processes at low (nice) scheduling priority.

Disk Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

Error Log Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

Event Log Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

Files Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

Filesystem Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows
Filesystem √¹

¹ AIX provides two sentries for free space monitoring, one sentry specifically for /usr (with less sensitive thresholds) and another for the other filesystems.

Memory Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows
Certain operating systems do not provide all the memory statistics, as it may not be relevant (eg Swap_Rate on Tru64 and AIX).

Printers Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

Network Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

Processes Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

Services Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows
Services √¹ √²

¹ AIX provides a complete service management interface using lssrc, startsrc and stopsrc. This interface has been implemented via actions on the Services sentry on AIX.

² Linux provides a complete service management interface using chkconfig and the startup/shutdown scripts in /etc/init.d (/etc/rc.d/init.d on older systems). This interface has been implemented via actions on the Services sentry on Linux.

System Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows
CPU_Information √¹

¹ The Linux OS on the i386 platform provides additional CPU information including the approximate speed and vendor of the processors.

Sentry Details


Sentry Class Agent Poll Time States Logging
CPU_States CPU Performance 60s AIX only
Context_Switches CPU Performance 60s
Interrupts CPU Performance 60s
Run_Queue CPU Performance 60s
Processors CPU/Processors MultiProcessor 60s
System_Calls CPU Performance 60s
Disk Disk Disk 120s
Error_Log Error_Log ErrorLog 120s
EventLog EventLog EventLog 90s
File_Info Files FileInfo 60s
Filesystem Filesystem Filesystem 300s
Paging_File_Space Memory PageSpace 180s
Paging_Rate Memory Performance 60s AIX only
Physical_Memory Memory Performance 60s Solaris only
Swap_Rate Memory Performance 60s
Swap_Space (Linux)Memory Performance 60s
Swap_Space (Unix) Memory Swap 180s
Virtual_Memory Memory MemoryInfo 60s
Network Network Network 120s
Printers Printers Printers 180s
Process Processes ProcessInfo 75s
Services Services Service 120s
CPU_Information System Information n/a³
Memory_InformationSystem Information n/a³
Operating_System System Information n/a³
System_Uptime System Uptime 100s

¹ Packets sent and received are known only as sent and received on Solaris and Linux.
² The BadSU agent is a LogFile agent, and so does not have a poll time. Any new data is interpreted whenever the logfile being monitored changes.
³ The Information agent (Hardware agent on Linux) is essentially run only once.

Sentry State Details

CPU States Sentry

AIX¹, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows

Constants (AIX only)

Constant Description Value
CPU_BUSY User + System percentage indicating the CPU is busy 90
CPU_OVERLOADED User + System percentage indicating the CPU is overloaded 95

States (AIX only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
OVERLOAD_CPU warning $cpu_user + $cpu_system > $CPU_OVERLOADED severe after 120s
BUSY_CPU normal $cpu_user + $cpu_system > $CPU_BUSY warning after 120s
NOT_BUSY normal

¹ The CPU States sentry only has constants and states defined for AIX.

Run Queue Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows


Constant Description Value
RUNQ_WARN Run queue is getting long 3
RUNQ_PROB Run queue is too long 6

States (HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Very_Busy warning $run_queue > $RUNQ_PROB alarm after 210s
Busy normal $run_queue > $RUNQ_WARN warning after 210s
OK normal

States (AIX only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
OVERLOAD warning $run_queue > $RUNQ_PROB severe after 120s
BUSY normal $run_queue > $RUNQ_WARN warning after 120s
NORMAL normal

System Calls Sentry

AIX, SCO, Tru64

Constants (AIX, SCO, Tru64)

Constant Description Value
CPU_SYSCALLS Too many system calls per second 10000

States (AIX, SCO, Tru64)

State Severity Condition Escalation
BUSY normal $sys_per_sec > $CPU_SYSCALLS alarm after 120s
NORMAL normal

Disk Sentry

AIX¹, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows

Constants (HPUX, Linux, Solaris, Tru64)

Constant Description Value
DSK_BUSY_WARN % busy indicating disk is busy 5
DSK_BUSY_PROB % busy indicating disk is very busy 20
DSK_SVCT_WARN Indicates a long service time (ms) 30
DSK_SVCT_PROB Indicates a very long service time (ms) 50

Constants (AIX, Windows)

Constant Description Value
DSK_BUSY_WARN % busy indicating disk is busy 40
DSK_BUSY_PROB % busy indicating disk is very busy 60

States (HPUX, Linux, Solaris, Tru64)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Very_Busy warning $percent_busy >= $DSK_BUSY_PROB && $service_time >= $DSK_SVCT_PROB alarm after 390s
Busy normal $percent_busy >= $DSK_BUSY_WARN && $service_time >= $DSK_SVCT_WARN warning after 390s
OK normal
Delete built-in No data state

States (AIX only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
DSK_VERYBUSY warning $percent_busy > $DSK_BUSY_PROB severe after 120s
DSK_BUSY normal $percent_busy > $DSK_BUSY_WARN warning after 120s

¹ Unfortunately the service time statistic is not available on AIX. The service time is a better indicator of disk IO performance. Even if a disk is 100% busy, there is no real problem unless the service time for the disk is also getting high.

States (Windows only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Very_Busy warning $percent_busy >= $DSK_BUSY_PROB alarm after 390s
Busy normal $percent_busy >= $DSK_BUSY_WARN warning after 390s
OK normal

Error Log Sentry

AIX only
Certain error log entries are ignored by Sentinel 3G. The list of error codes can be found in a file called exclude_errors under the distrib.db folder under the Sentinel installation (/usr/lpp/cosmos/sentinel_4.2/distrib.db by default on AIX)

States (AIX only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
UNKNOWN severe $Type == “unknown” acknowledgement
PERMANENT alarm $Type == “permanent” acknowledgement
TEMPORARY warning $Type == “temporary” acknowledgement
INFORMATION info $Type == “informational” acknowledgement
PENDING info $Type == “pending” acknowledgement
PERFORMANCE info $Type == “performance” acknowledgement

EventLog Sentry

Windows only

States (Windows only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Error severe $type == “error” || $type == “audit failure” delete after acknowledgement
Warning warning $type == “temporary” delete after acknowledgement
Information info $type == “information” || $type == “audit success” delete after acknowledgement
Unknown alarm delete after acknowledgement

FileInfo Sentry

Windows only

States (Windows only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Nonexistent alarm $exists == 0
No_Access warning $owner == “CAN'T ACCESS FILE”
Dir_Exists normal $type == “directory”
File_Exists normal

Filesystem Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows


Constant Description Value
LOW Indicating low free space 10
VERY_LOW Indicating very low free space 5
NEARLY_FULL Indicating the filesystem is nearly full 2
FULL Indicating the filesystem is full 0

States (HPUX, Linux, Solaris, Tru64, Windows)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Full critical $pct_free == $FS_FULL
Nearly_Full alarm $pct_free < $FS_NEARLY_FULL severe after 930s
Very_Low warning $pct_free < $FS_VERY_LOW alarm after 930s
Low normal $pct_free < $FS_LOW warning after 930s
OK normal
Delete built-in No data state

States (AIX only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
FULL critical $pct_free == $FS_FULL
NO_INODES critical $pct_free_inodes == $FS_FULL
NEARLY_FULL severe $pct_free < $FS_NEARLY_FULL
FEW_INODES severe $pct_free_inodes < $FS_NEARLY_FULL
VERY_LOW alarm $pct_free < $FS_VERY_LOW
VLOW_INODES alarm $pct_free_inodes < $FS_VERY_LOW
LOW warning $pct_free < $FS_LOW
LOW_INODES warning $pct_free_inodes < $FS_LOW

Paging File Space Sentry

Windows only


Constant Description Value
SWAP_LOW Low percent free swap space 15
SWAP_VERY_LOW Very low percent free swap space 8


State Severity Condition Escalation
Very_Low warning $pct_avail_page <= $SWAP_VERY_LOW alarm after 570s
Low normal $pct_avail_page <= $SWAP_LOW warning after 570s
OK normal

Paging Rate Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows

Constants (AIX only)

Constant Description Value
OVER_PAGING Too many page ins or outs per second 10

States (AIX only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
BUSY normal $pgins_per_sec >= $OVER_PAGING || $pgouts_per_sec >= $OVER_PAGING alarm after 62s

Physical Memory Sentry

HPUX, Linux, Solaris, Windows

Constants (Solaris only)

Constant Description Value
RESTIME_LONG Very long residency time 600
RESTIME_OK Acceptable residency time (ms) 40
RESTIME_PROB Indicating residency time is too short 20

States (Solaris only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Very_Low warning $residency_time <= $RESTIME_PROB alarm after 210s
Low normal $residency_time <= $RESTIME_OK warning after 210s
OK normal

Swap Space Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, Solaris, Tru64


Constant Description Value
SWAP_LOW Low percent free swap space 15
SWAP_VERY_LOW Very low percent free swap space 10


State Severity Condition Escalation
Very_Low warning $swap_pct_free <= $SWAP_VERY_LOW alarm after 570s
Low normal $swap_pct_free <= $SWAP_LOW warning after 570s
OK normal

Network Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows

Constants (AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64)

Constant Description Value
NET_WORKING Less than this many transfers and the network is under-utilised 50
NET_COLL_PROB Indicating excessive collisions 30
NET_COLL_WARN Indicating many collisions 15
NET_ERROR_OK Indicating hardware is OK 0
NET_ERROR_PROB Indicating possible hardware error 0.05

States (AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Many_Errors warning $errors_total >= $NET_ERROR_PROB alarm after 390s
Very_Busy warning $collisions >= $NET_COLL_PROB && $pckts_transmit > $NET_WORKING alarm after 390s
Some_Errors normal $errors_total > $NET_ERROR_OK warning after 390s
Busy normal $collisions >= $NET_COLL_WARN && $pckts_transmit > $NET_WORKING warning after 390s
OK normal
Delete built-inNo data state

Constants (Windows only)

Constant Description Value
NET_DROP_OK Indicating excessive collisions 0
NET_DROP_PROB Indicating many collisions 1
NET_ERROR_OK Indicating hardware is OK 0
NET_ERROR_PROB Indicating possible hardware error 0.05

States (Windows only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Many_Errors warning $pkts_errs_sec >= $NET_ERROR_PROB alarm after 390s
Many_Drops warning $pkts_drps_sec >= $NET_DROP_PROB alarm after 390s
Some_Errors normal $pkts_errs_sec > $NET_ERROR_OK warning after 390s
Some_Drops normal $pkts_drps_sec > $NET_DROP_OK warning after 390s
OK normal

Printers Sentry


States (Windows only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Idle normal $status == “Idle”
Printing normal $status == “Printing”
No_Paper alarm $status == “Paperout”
Offline info $status == “Offline”
Paused info $status == “Paused”
Problem alarm $status == “Error”
No_Access alarm $status == “NoAccess”
Unknown alarm
Delete built-in No data state

Process Sentry


Constants (Windows only)

Constant Description Value
CPU_HIGH Percentage CPU usage considered high for a process 10
CPU_PROBLEM Unacceptable percentage CPU usage for a process 50

States (Windows only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
VeryHigh_CPU info $pct_proc_time >= $CPU_PROBLEM warning after 120s, alarm after 300s
High_CPU info $pct_proc_time >= $CPU_HIGH
OK_CPU normal
Not_Running built-in No data state

Services Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows

States (AIX only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
INACTIVE disabled $status == “inoperative”
ACTIVE normal

States (Linux only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Confused info $Status == “Off” && $PID != “-1”
Off normal $Status == “Off”
Not_Running warning $PID == -1
Running normal $PID != -1
Delete built-in No data state

States (HPUX, Solaris, Tru64)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Not_Running warning $count == 0
Runing normal
Delete built-in No data state

States (Windows only)

State Severity Condition Escalation
Down alarm $state == “Stopped” && $start == “Automatic”
Confused info $state == “Running” && $start == “Disabled”
Running normal $state == “Running”
Disabled disabled $state == “Stopped” && $start == “Disabled”
Paused info $state == “Running”
Intermediateinfo $state == “Starting” || $state == “Stopping” || $state == “Continue pending” || $state == “Pause pending”
Unknown alarm
Delete built-in No data state