
Standard KB

This page was last modified 07:31, 19 July 2006.

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The primary aim of the Standard knowledge base in Sentinel3G is to provide for some basic connectivity monioring. This document describes the general content of the Standard knowledge base, and the discrepancies between them on different platforms.

Standard Knowledge Base Version

Version Availability Date Min Sentinel
1.1 1st Feb, 2006 4.4

Standard Knowledge Base Settings

The following settings are global and affect the behaviour of sentinel3G. Ensure you restart the Host Manager after changing any of these settings.

Setting Description
Debug Whether Host Monitor debugging is enabled. The default value is no.
EventHost The host that this Host Monitor sends events to. This setting is requested the first time the sentinel3G console is started. If you change the EventHost setting, you must restart the Host Monitor.
HostmonAccess If this host is a sentinel3G Event Manager, this specifies which hosts can connect as Host Monitors. The default value is Domain (hosts in the local domain are trusted). Other options are: None (only hosts in Hostinfo are trusted), and All (all hosts are trusted).
NotifyList The default list of people to to notify when a sentries' severity is NotifySeverity or higher.
NotifyMessage The message body template for notifications. The default value is 'Sentry $SentryName is in $State state ($Severity):\n $ConsoleText'
NotifySMS The message text template for SMS notifications. The default value is '[string totitle $Severity]: sentry $SentryName $State at [clock format $Since -format %H:%M] - $ConsoleText'
NotifySeverity The default minimum severity for notification to occur. The default value is alarm severity.
NotifySites Used by the WebScout Knowledge Bases. A space seperated list of primary notification host(s). If any of the listed hosts are contactable do not perform notification.
NotifySubject The message subject template for notifications. The default value is '[string totitle $Severity]: sentry $SentryName $State at [clock format $Since -format %H:%M]'
Polled Whether this Host Monitor is polled by the Event Manager. Normally the Host Monitor connects to the Event Manager. Sometimes, due to security policies, a firewall may block such a connection. However, opposite direction connection is possible, so the Host Monitor is configured to be polled by the Event Manager instead. The default value is no, the Host Monitor connects to the Event Manager. If you change the Polled setting, the PolledHosts setting must be changed on the Event Manager host to include this host, and you must restart both the Host Monitor and the Event Manager.
PolledHosts The list of hosts that cannot connect to the Event Manager running on this host. If you change the PolledHosts setting, you must restart the Event Manager.
ProxyExcludes Used by the WebScout Knowledge Bases.
ProxyHost Used by the WebScout Knowledge Bases. The name of the proxy host to use when retrieving web pages.
ProxyInfo Used by the WebScout Knowledge Bases. Select the credentials to use (if any) when using the proxy server. To configure the credentials, use Maintain > Users and passwords from any of the WebScout Knowledge Bases.
ProxyPort Used by the WebScout Knowledge Bases. The port on the proxy host on which the proxy server is running.
RefSites Used by the InternetConectivity sentry. A space separated list of hosts and IP addresses to use as reference sites when determing internet connectivity status. Testing internet connectivity is bypassed if RefSitesOptions is set to Always Up. If at least one of the specified hosts/IP addresses is contactable, internet connectivity is assumed. An additional DNS resolution check is performed on each host name to further pin-point connectivity related issues.
RefSitesOptions Used by the InternetConectivity sentry. Indicates what type of internet connectivity test to perform on hosts and IP addresses listed in RefSites. The default value is Always Up (bypass connectivity tests). Other options are: Connectivity and DNS (test both connectivity and DNS resolution), and Connectivity Only.
RefSitesPort Used by the InternetConectivity sentry. Port to use to test for a site's availability. A half-open connect test is used to determine whether the reference sites, listed in RefSites, are responding. Even if the service on the remote host is unavailable, a response will be returned. The default value is port 80.
RefSitesTimeout Used by the InternetConectivity sentry. Timeout (in seconds) beyond which a reference site is assumed to be down. The default value is 10 seconds.

Standard Knowledge Base

Connectivity Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

¹ The Connectivity sentry is switched off by default.
² Unless the global settings RefSitesOptions and RefSites are configured this sentry is disabled.

Sentinel Class

Sentry AIX HPUX Linux SCO Solaris Tru64 Windows

¹ The Scheduler sentry is switched off by default.

Sentry Details


Sentry Class Agent Poll Time States Logging
Connectivity¹ Connectivity Ping 300s
InternetConnectivity² Connectivity PortPing 30s
Scheduler¹ Sentinel Clock n/a

¹ The Connectivity and Scheduler sentries are switched off by default.
² Unless the global settings RefSitesOptions and RefSites are configured this sentry is disabled.

Sentry State Details

Connectivity Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows


State Severity Condition Escalation
PROBLEM info $response_time == -1 && $PrevState != "DOWN" warning after 60s, DOWN after 90s
DOWN severe $response_time == -1
UP normal

InternetConnectivity Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows


State Severity Condition Escalation
TEST_BYPASS¹ disabled "$SETTING(RefSitesOptions)" == "Always Up"
NO_IPS_DEFINED alarm $connect_status == "no IP addresses defined in settings"
NO_HOSTNAMES_DEFINED alarm $response_status == "no hostnames defined in settings"
NET_CONNECTIVITY_DOWN info $connectivity == 0 alarm after 60s
NAME_RESOLUTION_DOWN info $response == 0 alarm after 60s
UP normal

¹ Unless the global settings RefSitesOptions and RefSites are configured this sentry is disabled.

Scheduler Sentry

AIX, HPUX, Linux, SCO, Solaris, Tru64, Windows


State Severity Condition Escalation
IDLE normal